COVID update for August 2020

Dear Members and Friends of Grace,

Officially, Illinois has moved into Phase 4 of COVID-19 re-opening, (although we could move backwards as our numbers continue to climb again) and we still have plenty of limits to what we can do and how we can worship. We want to let you know what is happening and what will change and what will stay the same as we move into Fall.

  • We have several groups working on different aspects of planning and preparing to determine what is best for Grace, its members, and friends. Thank you for participating in our recent survey.
  • We are still NOT holding regular gatherings at Grace.
  • And still limiting and monitoring access to the building. We still ask you to notify leadership if you have business or need to be in the building PRIOR to going in. There are sign-up sheets at each entrance that still need to be filled out completely in case of an event or positive case.
  • As you know, some have gathered in some small socially distanced groups to tape WORSHIP. If you are interested in being a part of this rotating group of readers and congregational voices, please talk to George Theros or Pastor Dawn.
    • Worship will remain ONLINE going forward. We are trying to organize a few outdoor worship events prior to the weather turning cold, so stay tuned to our website for more details. And when we can, we will also add in-person worship back to the repertoire.
  • We are still working on ways to safely allow small groups (Scouts and small meetings) to be safely in the space but need your assistance to make this a reality.
    • We received a Synod grant to help us re-enter our building safely. Help decide how it is used.
      o We are designing a strict cleaning & disinfecting actions that will need to take place after each meeting, following procedures from various sources like our synod, CDC, WHO, and others. Help with planning.
      o WE STILL NEED VOLUTEERS TO OFFER ASSISTANCE FOR CLEANING (We hold your health as the #1 priority. We are looking especially to those under 60, less susceptible to illnesses and able to maintain socially distant and mask wearing protocols.) Cleaning would be limited to targeted areas where groups used surfaces (tables, chairs) as well as any doors, bathrooms, faucets, etc. used. Likely cleaning would take place the evening/morning AFTER a group met and would only take approx. an hour. Only volunteer, if you feel safe to do so. Volunteer to be scheduled as a cleaner,
  • Pastor Dawn is mainly working from home, but may schedule appointments at the office one day a week. Pastor is available for appointments by phone or Zoom as well. Please do not hesitate to connect – or 847-331-0373.
  • We are in the process of planning CHRISTIAN EDUCATION opportunities for the whole family that will launch this Fall in a safe manner still to be determined. This includes Sunday School, Confirmation and Bible Study opportunities.
  • We expect, and look forward to, members and friends to join us weekly for FELLOWSHIP through Zoom on Sundays to share news, keep up to date and see each other from a distance. If you know someone does not have regular access, maybe you can call them after and share the word with them.
  • We hope by know you have noticed our NEW WEBSITE. It is a work in progress and ask for your feedback so we can make it helpful and as user friendly as possible. Sharing your photos or interactions with us online are also a positive reminder that we are still actively at work for God in our community. Also, watch for Grace App.
  • Please stay in touch with as many members and friends as possible – communication is key for us as the body of Christ.

Stay safe. We pray God’s peace be with you all.
Nick Rex Pastor Dawn and Vision Team
President Pastor

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